Monday, January 7, 2013

The New Years Post

I think this is the first New Years of my life that I didn't think seriously about resolutions (and by resolutions, I mean beating myself up over how fat I am, and then planning a diet). I'm in a pretty happy place at the moment! But I saw this picture online that struck a chord with me:

The bf trolled me by saying that "more sleep" cancels out everything else. He would know (he really likes to sleep). But I love that it hints at healthier habits (sleeping, long walks) while keeping the really important things around too (love, laughter, creating).

And then I was reading FAT!SO? by Marilyn Wann and she writes,

"FAT!SO? proclaims 12:01am, January 1, to be Intertnational Fat-Outing Minute! During this minute, round folk are called upon to stand before their mirrors, smile, and proclaim, 'I am fat!' The zealous will then gaze deeply into the eyes of their round loved ones and say, 'You are fat, too!' Then, fat folk everywhere will applaud and blow noisemakers for a second time in as many minutes. Instead of starting the new year with yet another resolution to lose weight on some harmful, ineffectual diet, we'll begin each year with an honest moment and some relief from body-related anxiety."

I love that - relief from body-related anxiety. I think this is the first year in my life that I haven't felt that anxiety at New Years, because I spent the last 6 months of 2012 learning to love myself and appreciating my body for all its done for me.

But perhaps what rang the truest was Honor's post on Instagram, on which she wrote, 

"I was feeling devastated because all my blazers are fitting tight and it's my first day at my new job today. Be kind to yourself if your clothes fit tight after Christmas. Have a laugh, pack some apple slices, and get back into a routine if that's what suits your needs. I don't know about others, but I had FIVE turkey dinners this past holiday. Not to mention around 10 boxes of chocolates. It may not be the ideal way to start a new job but I could guess a few of my new work friends will be wearing tighter-fitting blazers too. I #HonorMyCurves by understanding the season, not beating myself up for it, remembering the time I spent with family, and getting myself back to a place of equilibrium."

What a balanced, normal and realistic way to look at it! Being on holidays, I haven't been as active as I'd like to be (catching up on Dexter and Breaking Bad has put a solid dent in the sofa!) but that's just a part of enjoying some time off. I'll get back into a more active routine and building healthier habits real soon. And that's okay.

1 comment:

  1. I hear you....totally packed on a few pounds but I was enjoying the festive season with my family and friends enjoying all the foods that I try not to indulge in too often. Time to get back to long as I'm feeling happy and healthy then that's the main thing right!

    Happy new year!
