If ever I was going to be one of those fashion bloggers who write feature posts about people who inspire them, I always knew I'd have to start with Janelle, one of my best mates.
In all honesty, when I thought about starting a blog in which fashion would play a part (at the time, I hadn't intended fashion to be the entire focus), it felt totally ridiculous to do it without her. For a time we discussed the possibility of writing a blog together and documenting our adventures, but the idea just kind of fizzled out. I had some ideas for some posts that I was itching to get out, so I stormed ahead and started Modish Maracas. But I'm going to tell you a secret. Every time I write a fashion post, and then think of Janelle, I feel kinda...sheepish. Let me explain why.

While I was still struggling with finding my style (for a long time it was pretty much nonexistent), Janelle had long been a "fashionista"- someone whose creativity and sense of adventure was reflected in every outfit. A passionate thrift shopper and risk-taker, I often considered her outfits with awe and astonishment. I could never wear that! I'd think to myself. Or, Only she could pull that off. While I was still finding my confidence, she'd mix pink and red and wear it with her head held high.

After several years of living with her, my style seemed to gradually change and morph into hers. I guess that's what happens when you spend so much time with someone - you become similar in the way that you speak, think and....dress. I started to mix and match more, experiment with retro styles and go to op shops with an eye open for the unusual. I learned not to judge clothes on the rack, but to give it a go, take a risk, and see how it looked on my body. I really have Janelle to thank for that.
I don't even think I'd have a fashion blog, if it weren't for her influence in my life and the way she made me think about clothes differently. I learned fashion was a way of expressing yourself and being creative. I can't express how valuable that was to a plus size girl who felt totally rejected by the fashion industry. I owe a lot of my confidence to her.
She's never been tied down by any one style. One day she'll be wearing her grandmother's jade earrings, and the next Will Smith earrings. Yes, you heard me right.
In our time together, we've traded quite a few items. The latest addition is this tartan blazer, which is making me DESPERATE for cooler weather so I can wear it!
If she had a fashion blog, I'd be her biggest fan.
Her wardrobe is a labour of love, full of colours and patterns. She sees potential in pieces that no one else does. In fact, it's the perfect metaphor for the most generous, kind and loving person I know.