Sunday, May 11, 2014

Long Time, No Blog

If you pop into my blog now and again, you may have noticed that I haven't blogged in a few months. My life has taken a few dramatic turns since my last post. I won't go into detail this time, but to keep it brief - my partner and I just bought at house. We had planned to continue renting for 4 more years, but the landlord is kicking us out so he can renovate and sell. At first I was devastated, but now I am truly excited and can't wait to be in my own place with my fella! So basically, I've been cheating on clothes with furniture. Once we're settled in, I will buy a tripod for my camera and get back to blogging more regularly.

In the meantime, here is the outfit I wore today.

Jacket: River Island via ASOS
Dress: ASOS Curve
Leggings: ASOS Curve
Shoes: ASOS
Sunglasses: Mink via ASOS

Head-to-toe ASOS basically! This rose gold jacket is real leather. When I saw it online, it was one of those "heart skipping a beat" moments.

Thanks for reading! x