Monday, January 5, 2015

OOTD And A Belated Halloween Update

As a tall girl, I really appreciate a maxi dress or skirt that is nice and long and goes to the floor. I feel like I struck gold with this one.

It's just an ASOS Curve maxi dress with one shoulder - just a simple stretch jersey material that's very cool and comfortable to wear in the summer heat. It also comes in cobalt blue and is now on sale for only $27.

I really love that this dress could be dressed up or down. I actually wore this for halloween this year - a perfect base for my Cleopatra costume. 

I really wish I had more Halloween photos to show you, but I'm that person who always gets drunk, forgets to take photos, and then has to screenshot whatever everyone else puts on social media. Actually, it's one of my goals this year to take more photos during parties! It really was an epic party though! I hosted it at my house with my sister and the zombie bride. Here's some shots of the food we made for the occasion, including brain punch, mummy sausage rolls and graveyard custard!

We also carved pumpkins and placed them at the front door.

Thank you for reading! x

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