Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Ten Random Things About Me

Modish Maracas was initially intended to be a music and lifestyle blog. I wanted to review albums, gigs, festivals and the occasional club! I still love music, but I started to feel a bigger drive towards fashion and posts about body image. Music reviews focus on the creativity of others, whereas fashion is an expression of my own creativity and has forced me to confront some of my inner demons. It was a natural transition for me. It came as a revelation that plus size girls could enjoy fashion just as much as anyone else, and also that we have just as much of a right to it. 

I’m a high school teacher, but I initially studied Social Work for two years before I switched degrees. I’m glad I changed over, but teaching is so much harder than I ever imagined. There are days when I love it, and days when I come home and drink a whole bottle of wine and smoke a cigarette just to deal. I have constant mixed emotions about my job. Sometimes I think my ideal job would be to work full time at City Chic and get paid to blog. Is that naïve? Haha.

I am also a freelance DJ. My father has run his own DJ business for fifteen years and he trained me. I now work for two companies, doing mainly weddings. I still get really nervous doing MC work, but it’s the most amazing feeling to have a dance floor going. Having said that, it’s hard to lose Saturday nights. Carrying the gear and setting it up can be hard too. I like that it’s completely different to teaching. The extra cash is awesome, too. 

My favourite blog in the world is The Nearsighted Owl. It’s my happy place!

I have NEVER seen my mum’s real nails. My mum has always “taken care of herself” – she is a woman who wears make-up to leave the house, always has beautiful nails, a gorgeous leather handbag and just general impeccable taste in all things. My sister is a beautician, and she keeps my mum and I in good shape with spray tans, acrylic nails, waxing and make-up. We all love going shopping and spending money on pretty things. We’re girly girls.

I’ve never been overseas. It’s never bothered me before because I rent a unit on the most gorgeous Adelaide beach. This year, a lot of my friends and family have travelled and it’s really had an effect on me. It’s been hard to see the photos. I’ve felt really jealous and even angry. I’ve had to confront those feelings and think about a savings plan to get myself leaving on a jet plane! I’m most keen to see Thailand, the US (Route 66, NYC, Disneyland), Europe and Britain. Bora Bora wouldn't be too shabby either, teehee.

I met my boyfriend on Oasis. I’m not shy to tell people that because I think internet dating is the way of the future. We do everything else online, so why not dating? With the advanced searches you can do, and the huge variety of people, it’s really quite wonderful. But I should probably add that you do have to sift through some knuckleheads and you have to be savvy with how you go about it. Sometimes I still can’t believe I’m with an Asian (you just don’t see many white girls with Asians, so I assumed they weren’t into white girls!) but I couldn’t be more thrilled with my catch. I’ve barely stopped laughing since we’ve been together.

My favourite book is He Died with a Falafel in his Hand by John Birmingham. I’ve got about 5 copies of it and a comic book edition. It’s an Australian memoir based on ten years of house sharing in the 90s and it chronicles all the bizarre housemates that John had. I don’t know if it will always be my favourite book, but I was definitely obsessed with it for a long time! It’s hilarious.

I got drunk for the first time when I was 24. I was raised a good Christian girl, so I experienced my wild side a little late in life. I hit the town most Friday/Saturdays for two years! I always went to Jive, a cool indie/alternative club on Hindley Street. I still get there sometimes, but it’s pretty rare these days. I snogged LOTS of boys. I was quite the tart.

Eggs are pretty much my favourite food and I couldn’t live without real butter.

Thanks for reading! x 


  1. I met my boyfriend through OkCupid haha, IT always feels awkward telling people that, they expected ti from him but not so much from myself. Nice to know a little more about you! Had no idea you were a teacher!

  2. Thank you for sharing! I haven't traveled either - but I really want to. I just haven't gotten my act together. Next year my cousin is getting married in Hawaii so that will be my first trip. After one of those days at school I turn to chocolate (creme eggs for the win) and cans of Pepsi Max.

  3. He died with a falafel in his hand is an awesome book :)
    Am loving these 10 things posts.
