Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Very Hell Bunny Christmas

Firstly, I would like to wish my readers a VERY happy Christmas! I've loved being a part of the online fatshion community and knowing that people pop in once in a while to read my posts definitely puts a spring in my step. 

About a week before Christmas, I got a painful sunburn on my shoulders and down the front of my legs. Silly me - it seems to happen once at the beginning of every summer just to remind me how much my skin DOESN'T tan and to always slip, slop, slap. It happened when I sat outside to read for half an hour (yep, that's all the time it took). The reason I'm writing about the sunburn is because I had no idea what I was going to wear right up to this morning. I didn't know how my burn was going to look. Would I need to cover any tan lines or peeling? As it happened, fast forward one week later and a spray tan, and it looked okay. 

I bought this Hell Bunny dress months ago, second hand on a plus size Facebook buy and sell page. However, I never wore it because it was so short. But I found a petticoat at a vintage stand that added just the right amount of length to make it modest enough for family Christmas! So on Christmas morning I woke up, looked through my clothes and saw the red and greens in the fabric of this dress and thought, "Yes! It's perfect!" 

I took a few shots at home first.

 A red hat got added to the outfit after I'd opened some pressies! 

Dress: Hell Bunny Gypsy Lola Dress
Petticoat: thrifted
Cardigan: Valley Girl
Cherry Necklace: Ebay
Shoes: ASOS
Hat: Dangerfield

Anyway, I'm off to my next location, which has a pool...swimsuit pictures in upcoming posts! Merry Christmas lovelies! xx

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