Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sexiness According To Ashton Kutcher

"The sexist thing in the entire world is being really smart and being thoughtful and being generous. Everything else is crap." - Ashton Kutcher

I realise that having a fashion blog might make others assume that I'm more concerned with how I look and following the latest trends, rather than my character or intelligence. Can I just say, that nothing could be further from the truth. I love my clothes. But guess what? I love my books more. 

I love learning new things and I totally agree with Ashton when he says, "The sexiest thing in the entire world is being really smart". I don't care how "on trend" you are - if you tell me you haven't read a book since primary school, I will think less of you. The gracious side of me will try to find something else to admire in your character, but I think to willfully choose not to learn is the saddest thing someone can decide. 

Having said that, I'm certainly not perfect, and I could definitely improve somewhat on the thoughtful and generous side of things. I can be very selfish with my time and money. But I guess what I'm trying to really say here, is that bloggers are multifaceted people, and I'm learning the importance of building strength in other areas of my life.

I love outfit posts, but if I'm only doing that to "show off" my clothes, then what's the point? Facebook and Instagram provide enough opportunity to compare ourselves to other people's seemingly "perfect" lives and I don't want my blog to be like that. I post outfits so that other women are exposed to different body types other than the beauty standard so they can feel a sense of empowerment. I review body positive books to direct readers to material that might be an encouragement (or a life-changer!). I share personal details from my journey of body-acceptance so that others might be encouraged that they are not alone. I'm part of community of bloggers that make that possible. 

I felt compelled to write about this because I'm afraid that others might believe that my blog and outfit posts are self-indulgent and narcissistic. I'm not going to deny that attention is nice, but that's never been the motivation. I read other fashion blogs and I have my own because nothing makes me happier than seeing women empowered and valuing themselves (fat or thin!). There are so many voices that tear us down. This community is about undoing some of that crap. 

So that's enough ranting for now. Here's what I wore on Sunday :)

 Thanks for stopping by x

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